EPA Offers Tips on Mold Cleanup After a Flooding Incident

What Can You Do About Mold? Find Out
Mold and water damage go hand-in-hand because mold spores are just waiting for moisture to activate them. Flooding and plumbing leaks make it extremely difficult to dry out the area enough to stop the growth.
If you are considering NYC mold removal options, start with these EPA tips for mold cleanup and contact Stern Mold if you determine you need a professional mold cleanup service.
NYC Mold Removal for Businesses & Commercial Properties
The EPA has found that mold health problems pose a serious risk to workers after a flood has caused mold and water damage. Highlights from their guidance:
– Eliminating moisture is most important
– Any workers near mold damage should use N95 or stronger respirator masks, goggles, boots, and gloves
– Mold damage covering over 30 square feet should be secured with plastic sheeting during cleanup
– Use fans, dehumidifiers, and open windows for exhaust and drying
Home and Apartment Mold Cleanup
Children, seniors, and anyone with a weakened immune system face heightened risks of mold illnesses.
Paint or caulk will not stop mold. Laundry and HVAC appliances also have hiding places for mold spores to continue growing.
Landlords and homeowners should quickly bring in professional mold removal services for residential buildings affected by mold and water damage.
The Takeaway: Serious Water Damage Requires an NYC Mold Removal Service
If a mold problem spreads beyond one small surface, protect your family or employees by hiring NYC mold removal experts.
Stern Mold uses the proven and guaranteed MoldExterm system, which is faster and less expensive than traditional mold remediation. Contact us for a free inspection and estimate if you’ve experienced mold and water damage in the NYC area.