Do You Have These Symptoms of Mold Sickness?

Mold Sickness
The symptoms of mold sickness are often mistaken for some other issue. People feel safe in their home and their place of work is like a second home. They don’t want to think that something in either of these places may be making them sick.
Mold is an easy problem to overlook that can be easily remedied with our NJ mold removal system. It may not have been present a few years ago, but a small plumbing leak or moisture problem can slowly lead to mold and declining health.
Short term mold exposure symptoms
There are some people with a sensitivity to mold spores who begin sneezing almost immediately when they enter a building with mold. However, for most people the symptoms are more subtle and mirror allergies to pollen, ragweed, and grass. Short term mold exposure can cause watering eyes, sneezing, headaches, and skin irritation.
Long term mold exposure symptoms
After continued exposure to mold, symptoms like chronic headaches, fatigue, joint pain, memory loss, and nausea or loss of appetite start to appear. These issues are the same symptoms of many other medical problems. You may chalk them up to pushing yourself too hard, being under a lot of stress, or just getting older.
The effects of mold are much more serious for someone with a weakened immune system. Unfortunately, someone with a compromised immune system is already in poor health and it’s all too easy for them and other people to dismiss their new symptoms as part of an existing condition.
If you suspect mold in your home or business, call us right away for information on our non-toxic NJ mold removal method.