Mold and Your Health Connection: Mold and the Serious Symptoms

Allergic Reactions? It Could Be Mold.
Mold is more than just an unsightly stain underneath sinks or on shower walls. A link has been established between exposure to mold and chronic health problems. Do you know what symptoms can be an indication of mold-related illness?
How Mold Affects Your Health
When mold is present inside a home or building, it releases microscopic spores that drift in the air where they are ingested by breathing. Once inside your system, they can irritate the sensitive linings of your throat and nasal passages, resulting in upper-respiratory allergic reactions.
The most common symptoms include coughing, sneezing, and itchy, watery eyes. Some people may also develop rashes where mold spores come in contact with skin. Individuals with pre-existing allergies are most susceptible, but even otherwise healthy people can become affected after prolonged exposure.
When Mold Exposure Has More Serious Consequences
People with upper-respiratory diseases such as asthma or those with compromised immune systems are particularly vulnerable to the effects of mold. Some varieties of mold produce mycotoxins that can cause lung infections and other more serious ailments.
The connection between mold and illness is not simply conjecture. According to the National Academy of Medicine (formerly known as the Institute of Medicine), there is sufficient evidence linking exposure to indoor mold with chronic upper-respiratory symptoms.
Protect Your Health with Complete NYC Mold Treatment
Good health is priceless. Our trained technicians are NYC mold treatment experts who will completely remove any trace of mold without destroying any building materials, usually in just one day. Contact us to learn more about our non-invasive MoldExterm system and schedule a free mold inspection.