Monthly Archives: November 2016

NYC Continues to Wrestle with Mold Outbreak Issues in Older Housing Units

Houses That Are Past a Certain Age and No Longer in Their Best Condition Are Showing Signs of Mold Development That Threaten the Health and Safety of the Buildings' Inhabitants.

Houses That Are Past a Certain Age Are Showing Signs of Mold Development.

The mold and fungus menace is back in NYC, although it never truly left in the first place. Houses that are past a certain age and no longer in their best condition are showing signs of mold development that threaten the health and safety of the buildings’ inhabitants.

Judge Issues New Orders

In the latest development on this front, a federal judge has deplored NYCHA’s inability to remove toxic mold that infests so many of the aging housing buildings in the surrounding area, and ordered a specially appointed expert to enforce a two year old pact that had been created to address the problem.

Fixed Time Frame

The case of an outside monitor being brought in is being viewed as a necessity, keeping in mind the seriousness of the problem and the danger it presents to the health of the general public. Simple mold cases are to be remediated in seven days, while the more serious cases are given a fifteen-day window to be resolved.

The Blame Game

The NYCHA is being censured for an apparent show of indifference towards the problem, which is believed to be the main cause of the problem growing to such vast proportions in the first place. Of note, no top NYCHA official showed up for the court hearing.

Do you have mold and fungus in your house that refuses to go away? Call on our expert NYC Mold and Treatment Services at Stern Mold, and we will get to work on your behalf. Once our company’s experienced professionals are finished treating your house, there won’t be a single spot where you will find mold, and that is our guarantee!