St. Albans HS in WV Fights Mold Problems Right Before School Starts

Mold Can Infect Schools Too.
The growth of mold and fungus inside homes and other buildings can lead to a variety of health issues. That’s why it’s important to have these growths removed as soon as possible. One high school in West Virginia recently battled a mold problem that could have delayed the start of the school year.
St. Albans High School dealt with a mold issue in early August thanks to an air conditioning unit that failed to work properly. Officials believe a sprinkler system that was used to keep the school cool might have caused the mold issue. Crews started treating the school right away so they could ensure that it would be safe before the school year started.
More Problems
However, mold was discovered about a week later in the school’s band room. Students weren’t allowed in that room until it was treated for mold. The school also had a problem with standing water in the basement, which could have contributed to the mold problem.
Mold in Your Home?
The mold and fungus issues at St. Albans High School call attention to the importance of having similar infestations cleared out of your home. Keep in mind that colonies can grow inside your walls where they’re harder to detect. If you notice an unpleasant odor or other signs of mold and fungus, such as health issues that only seem to get worse at home, it’s crucial to have an inspection done as soon as possible.
Don’t let mold and fungus affect your health. Contact Stern Mold to schedule a free inspection of your home.