Are You Allergic to Your Bed? Find Out Why.

Could Your Bed Be Making You Sick?
If you’re experiencing allergy symptoms without finding any specific causes, you may want to blame your bed. People spend a third of their lives in bed, so it makes sense to ensure that it’s free of any of the following contaminants.
While you probably won’t see any of these contaminants (bacteria, fungi and allergens), they are there and while you sleep you’re contaminating your bed and breathing them into your lungs.
Mold and Fungi Spores
While mold and fungi are usually too small to see with the naked eye, studies have shown that they are often found in beds. Even minute amounts can cause a reaction so wash your bed sheets in hot water once a week. A NYC mold treatment may be necessary to alleviate allergy symptoms.
Dust Mite Droppings
While you might not be allergic to dust mites, you might be allergic to dust mite poop. Dust mites are found in four out of five homes in the United States, which means that they could very well be in your bed. Again, clean bed sheets will reduce this problem.
Familiar with sweating in bed? It’s something that everybody does. If you’re sick, you can transmit strep or staph infection of the skin if allowed to build up.
Pet Droppings
Your pet may be the apple of your eye, but its urine, dander or saliva could be causing an allergy flare-up.
Clean, dry bed sheets are key to healthy living, but when it comes to mold and your health, don’t take any chances. Contact Stern Mold today to discuss your NYC mold treatment options and schedule a free inspection.