Wet Spring and Summer Brings Increase in Mold Problems

Our wet weather has led to more mold problems.

Our wet weather has led to more mold problems.

If it seems like it has been an unusually wet spring and summer, it isn’t just your imagination. Above average rainfall levels, especially on the East Coast, have created the perfect conditions for mold to take over basements, crawl spaces and other dark areas. For homeowners, mold can cause a variety of health and safety problems, but with NJ mold treatment services, you can protect your family and restore your home.

Dangers of Mold

While mold may seem like a harmless inconvenience, black mold releases spores that can cause symptoms that range from eye irritations to vomiting and bleeding lungs. That is why it is important to invest in professional help when eradicating mold from your home. Mold treatment experts have the tools and experience to limit the spread of spores and clean your home in as little as one day.

Treatment Options

In the past, removing mold has often meant ripping down walls or completely demolishing homes. Today, with the advent of new technology, NJ mold treatment services can actually remove mold without causing further damage to your home. At Stern Mold, our popular two-step removal process works to kill and deodorize any bacteria and then seal off affected areas with a powerful polymer sealant so that you don’t have to worry about follow-up treatments.


You can help prevent mold by properly sealing your home and eliminating moisture. If you aren’t sure how to handle problem areas, you might want to consider scheduling a consultation for a free mold inspection and pricing quote. The experts at Stern Mold will be able to assess your situation and recommend the best course of action. Call today!